Saturday, April 30, 2016

Max is already almost 2 months and needs to be entertained!  His maturity is a blur to me now, as I finish up the school year working through Memorial Day and Reagan keeps me busy, too!

He is passing his milestones faster than I can keep up with!!!


Friday, April 22, 2016

Grandma Susan's 1st shift, late April 2016

We are thankful for both Grandma Nancy ("Nani") and Grandma Susan ("Booze") because they have agreed to help out our family in taking care of Max this spring,while both David and I are working until my school year ends in late May.

Here are some pictures from Booze's first shift with taking care of Max!

 Below is a picture of Max at 7 weeks and a picture of David at 8 weeks (provided by Nancy).

April 22, 2016: Reagan picks the dandelions in the baseball field

Saturday, April 9, 2016

First week back to work after Max's birth

My first week back was both rough and refreshing...

That sounds like an extreme oxymoron, but I don't have time to explain it.  I'm surviving, and that's the most important part!!!

David mows our "OWN LAWN" for the first time!  Proud moment!  Reagan wanted to share it!

This is the back of our van after I forgot that David had his golf demo clubs in it and I needed to use the van to get groceries on the weekend (thanks, Amy P. for helping me out with Reagan and Hank!)

Our dishwasher broke... sigh.... at least it wasn't the washing machine or dryer machine for the baby clothes... then I think we would really struggle, because we do the wash just about every day, in auditing to my lesson planning late at night every night!