Sunday, August 7, 2016

Aug. 6, 2016: Cuddles with Grandma Booze then spit-up at the end...

Reagan went to her 2-year doctor's check-up appointment last Friday, Aug. 29, 2016.

She was very healthy!

Reagan measured in the 40-45th percentile for her weight and in the 45th percentile for height at the age of a 2-year-old girl.

In terms of development milestones, she was "advanced" for her age!  I'm not sure how accurate these Q&A forms are, but the doctor said that she was measuring at the developmental stage of a 3-year-old.  One big accomplishment is that Reagan is speaking in almost complete sentences in English now, whereas she should be expected at the minimum be expected to be speaking in 2-3 word phrases.  And, she knows some French!  ;)

Aug. 7, 2016: Grandma Booze reads the "No, No, No Day!" Book with Reagan

Aug. 7, 2016: Reagan gets excited about watching the Olympics gymnastics

Aug. 7, 2016: Reagan plays with black olives

Friday, August 5, 2016

Early August "Happenings"

This batch of photos is a representation of our "August 2016 happenings" thus far.  I can't believe how fast time is passing.  It's been an excellent summer, and while I'm both excited and anxious to begin the 2016-17 school year, I'm going to miss these days with Reagan and Max both growing so fast!

 Reagan bonds with Max... she sticks her finger in his mouth to test his reaction... Now, that's sibling love!

 The photo above is when Reagan pointed to a July issue of the Sports Illustrated magazine and thought that Caitlyn Jenner on the cover was "Mommy!!!"

 Max is such a strong boy!  He complained far less about tummy time than Reagan did.  I'm not sure if it's a girl-boy thing or a 1st child-2nd child thing.  But, he was all smiles during these tough 5-10 minutes of tummy time.  Just imagine... lifting your head for that long on your stomach!  His abs are going to be HUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEEE.

 This picture above is of one of Reagan's last days in the toddler 1-2 years room at her day care center.  She moved up to the 2+ years room on her 2-year-birthday: July 28, 2016.

 I kept busy this summer with pre-season cross country practices and post-practice pancake/waffle breakfasts. Sometimes I think (and others tell me) that I'm crazy to coach and teach and take care of two kids under two years old, but I'm up for challenges!  We'll see how strong I am after this fall season and can re-evaluate, but until then, I'm thankful for the support from my husband and our family (parents, siblings) in Tennessee, Indiana and Wisconsin.   xoxo

 Above is a photo of a wonderful lunch with some of my favorite colleagues in my foreign languages department at school.  We ate lunch at Newks, one of the best lunch spots Knoxville, and the employee insisted on being in the picture with all of us.

 Reagan is enjoying her new artsy gift above from her Aunt Carly and Uncle Bill Ritt!

 Reagan enjoys some quality time with Nani (Nancy, David's mom) at a cool lunch place called McAllister's in Turkey Creek before we did a shopping trip to Target.  Drawing, lunch with Nani, iced tea, and shopping... what could be better?!?!

 Little brother, Max, enjoyed the afternoon with Nani, too!  He's always smiling and laughing. He's cool as a cucumber, just like his dad.

 Nani and Reagan found some probiotic chocolate at Target!  Those sample guys always get us!  But it tasted so good.

 We ordered two new Isabella style counter stools from Pottery Barn (highly recommended!), identical to the two that we already had from our old apartment just down the street in Knoxville from 2010.  YES, our two "older" counter stools lasted that long and are SO comfortable to sit on and still look great after our wear and tear with them!

 It was perfect timing to order these additional counter stools before Reagan's 2nd birthday party last weekend!

I'm going to embarrass my sister-in-law, Caroline, and brag about this piece of art from the "World Market" store that she bought as a gift for us.  I LOVE IT!!!!   First, I love succulent plants because they look so fresh and beautiful, and my friend, Eda, got me hooked on them this year.  Second, it's a FAKE succulent plant, so I don't even need to do any upkeep with this plant to make it look good all the time!  How unique and beautiful is this piece that we put on our kitchen counter to make it look just a little cooler and awesome!  Thanks, Caro!  I'm definitely going back to World Market soon to see if I can find any more good additions to the house like Caroline gave to us with this framed succulent plant centerpiece!

 Reagan's neighbors, 6-year-old twin girls, Haydin and Brylie, have been such great role models and companions for Reagan this summer.  We love drawing, sharing snacks, playing with blocks, jumping in the sprinkler, and going to the park just a 1/4 mile from our backyards!  We feel blessed to have them and their wonderful parents as our next door neighbors.

 Reagan is warming up more and more to her little brother, Max, since his arrival in our world last February 2016.  We can't wait to see their relationship develop.  She will certainly toughen him up for the real world!

 Grandpa Don teaches Reagan how to say that she is "TWO YEARS OLD" today on her birthday: July 28, 2016.

 These are pictures of an excited two-year-old girl on her birthday! 

Reagan wears Grandma Booze's reading classes.  We thought that Reagan looked like a mini Booze or a mini Nancy!

 Reagan walks to the park behind our backyard with Grandpa Don as the sun sets in late July.  It was a great photo captured by Aunt Caroline.

 Uncle Ryan comes for the weekend to celebrate Reagan's 2nd Birthday, but he also wants to hang out with big boy Max!   It was quite fitting that Ryan wore a Culver Military Academy Football tee-shirt as he held this big boy!!!