Saturday, October 29, 2016

8-months, MAX, fall days of October 2016

Max is 8 months now in late October 2016!

He just learned how to sit by himself with no support, so he is super excited about this new independence.  

He can't crawl yet, but he rolls over a lot.  

He drinks formula milk and eats mashed foods, along with the small snacks that melt in his mouth since he can't chew yet, but he is always hungry.  

Max is an easy-going, chill baby most of the time, and the only occasions when he cries or yells about anything is when we don't feed him enough food or serve it to him fast enough! 

Speaking of not chewing yet but soon... after anxiously waiting two months as Max has been drooling away, he finally grew in his two bottom teeth.  Soon enough he'll be able to eat more variety of food with his chompers!

Fall 2016 School Photos

Fall 2016 School Photos... we didn't order any, but we almost did!  Here are the "previews"!

Oct. 20, 2016: Grandma Booze and GG Rae come to visit Knoxville

Fall is finally here in East Tennessee!  The leaves have started to change colors in the trees and are quickly falling down.  The weather is cooling and the sun is going down earlier than the casual 8:00 PM time in the summer.

Here are some pictures from the few beautiful days in mid-October when Grandma Booze and GG Rae came down to visit Reagan and Max in Knoxville.