Saturday, November 26, 2016

So,  I was about to bring in Max to Day Care last Mon. Nov. 21, 2016, and the teachers told me that the gunk that they saw in his eyes was not good and I could not bring him into the day care center that day.

What a start to a Monday....

Therefore, I took him to the doctor to the earliest appointment available that Monday afternoon.   I took a "sick day" because Reagan was already home with me and David that day.

Ultimately, Max did NOT have pink eye like the day care teachers thought that he had, but his cough and eye gunk were enough for the doctor to prescribe us to get some eye drops from the pharmacy for Max.

He recovered within days... like a champ!  We have appreciated the Thanksgiving weekend to regroup a bit with the illness that has circulated our family and we are ready for the year-ending festivities of December!

Max already has his 9-month check-up doctor's appointment in late November!

mid-November 2016 happenings

Max's Baptism Weekend Nov. 13, 2016