Saturday, October 24, 2015

Baby #2 is a BOY!!!

Here are pictures from our "Baby Haase #2 Gender Reveal Party" on Friday, October 23rd. David's co-workers were nice enough to host this party at his work, the Tennessee National Golf Club in Loudon, Tennessee.  Thanks to all who came!

Reagan's October 2015 School Pictures

Reagan received some preview pictures of her October 2015 school pictures that we could order.

She's not smiling, but she's not frowning either.  I think the pictures accurately portray her sassy attitude.  The teachers said that she did not like the photographer, but I think she still looks cute!

Oct. 23, 2015: Baby #2 Gender Reveal (VIDEO)

Thanks to my brother, Charlie, for taking the video as we cut the cake to reveal the gender of Haase Baby #2 at the party!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Reagan's ear infection

Reagan got sick late Wednesday night.  She was coughing loudly, had a sniffly nose and we could hear how sore her throat was every time she breathed.  We kept her home Thursday and Friday, and David took her to the doctor on Thursday morning.

The doctor said that she had a bad ear infection in one ear and probably had croup, too.  David picked up the amoxicillin prescription right after the appointment.  Reagan has been feeling a little better since she's been taking it after Thursday, but she still has a sniffly nose and coughs occasionally.  Poor girl!  I can't imagine how much more it hurts for a little body to take all of that coughing and sniffling than one of us older people!

We went on several walks with Hank this weekend in the crisp autumn weather of Knoxville, TN.

Reagan likes to climb up on the fireplace mantle of our new house, which makes Mommy very nervous!

We needed to bundle up Reagan in extra warm socks and her new fleece from Grandma Nancy because it was 45 degrees with a frost advisory Saturday morning in Knoxville!

Fortunately, Reagan LOVES the taste of the amoxicillin medicine.  It smells like a mix of bubble gum and cotton candy.  She grabs for it every time I open the refrigerator.  We give 5 mL to her twice a day until it runs out.

On our walk Sunday morning, we needed to bundle up again in her fluffy pink jacket from the Nusslock ladies given to her at my first baby shower last year, June 2014.  It's perfect!

While we walked around our new neighborhood, I made observations and took notes of details that I liked on our neighbors' houses.  I love the hanging plants from the house below to put near our front door steps.

Below, this neighbor has the same patio without the roof that we have in back of our house.  We are trying to decide what to put on this roofless patio to create some shade and make it look nice.

It looks like they bought a tent with a surrounding net to keep out mosquitos from a hardware store that almost looks identical to the permanent roof that our other neighbors added to their house for the additional $5,000 charge.  At first, I thought it was a good idea so I took a picture, but later when David and I discussed, we think it looks a little cheap, so we may just buy some patio furniture with an umbrella over the table.

This is another house in our neighborhood with the same Inglewood model that we used for our house.  They have their shutters on one of their windows.

Below is our Inglewood model home.  We don't know why they did not put the shutters on at least one of our front windows, if not both.  I'm going to check with our construction manager, along with a list of other things needing to be fixed, because I don't like it.  It looks naked without the shutters, and we're wondering why they didn't put them on before we moved in.....

After our Sunday morning walk, Princess Reagan fell asleep in the stroller and took her daily nap earlier today at 10:00.  Maybe this extra beauty rest will help her to get rid of this cold and ear infection!