Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ultrasound Pics: 20 weeks (Oct. 13th)

Ultrasound Pics: 20 weeks (Oct. 13th)

My mom and I went to my 20-week ultrasound check-up appointment at my doctor's office this morning.  

It went well.  The doctor said that the baby looked very healthy as she did the anatomy scan of the baby's body on the ultrasound machine.  

He/She was measuring at exactly 20 weeks, so she remarked how close all of the measurements were to 20 weeks, since the measurements of the head, for example, and of the legs can be measuring within a difference of a few weeks and still be considered a healthy baby.  

Due date is still February 29, 2015 -- Leap Year!

The doctor discovered the sex, but we asked her to put the piece of paper with "boy" or "girl" in an envelope because we are asking a friend to bake a "gender reveal cake" with the correct sex when we cut it open at a small party next Friday, Oct. 23rd.  

Our doctor was very good at keeping a poker face, because my mom and I still have no idea about whether she found out if it was a boy or girl.  

I am eager to be just as surprised as everyone else in 10 days!  We are just thankful that this baby is very healthy. 

Below is a picture of the spine.

If I remember correctly, below is  picture of the baby with his/her hands covering his/her face. 

Below is a picture of the baby's legs. 

Below is a picture of the front view of the face of the baby.  It looks skeletal in this ultrasound picture. 

Below is a picture of the heart with the heart beat below.  

The fetal heart beat was a healthy 149 beats per minute. 

 I can't remember what the picture is of below...

Below are some of the measurements of the baby's body from this "anatomy check-up" as my doctor summarized the ultrasound machine results. 

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