Sunday, September 11, 2016

Max at day care, Sept. 2016

Max at day care, Sept. 2016

Max, 5 months, Aug. 29, 2016

Max, 5 months, Aug. 29, 2016

Max, 6-month doctor's check-up, Aug. 29, 2016

Max, 6-month doctor's check-up, Aug. 29, 2016

19 pounds, 3 oz. = 75th % for weight

28 and 1/4 inches = 98th % for height (!!!)

17 1/2 inches = head circumference (which is big, and bigger than average!)

Max still has a soft spot on his head, according to the pediatrician.

He is healthy, and should continue drinking his formula milk.  (Mom just dried up with breast-feeding at 6 months... one month longer than with Reagan.  We're all happy and sad at the same time; there are pros and cons for both continuing and stopping to breast-feed, whether we have control over this or not.)

The pediatrician suggested that Max begin to eat "mushy foods" like the Gerber brand mashed carrots, apples, pears, sweet potatoes, etc.

Max can roll over by himself.  Max is doing well overall!  He is not yet sitting up on his own, but he is very close!  We hope that he can sit on his own soon, so that he can eat comfortably in his high chair and sit in the bath tub by himself to give his sister, Reagan, some more room when they take a bath together.  (Reagan often says, "Maxy is kicking me!" when Max doesn't mean to purposely kick Reagan, but he splashes around with his feet while he tries to wiggle out of his plastic bath tub that we put in the bath.)

Grandma Booze's trip to TN in late Aug. 2016

Grandma Booze came to visit in late August 2016.  Here are some pictures!

Reagan's 2nd Birthday: July 28, 2016 (late post)