Sunday, September 11, 2016

Kim and Andrew's Wedding: Sept. 10, 2016

These pictures document the trip that Max and I took from Knoxville, TN, to Milwaukee, WI, for my cousin's wedding in Chicago!  Congratulations, Kimberly and Andrew!

*Special thanks to my parents for hosting us at their house, to Uncle Chuck, Uncle Bill, and Aunt Carly for spending some extra time with their nephew and godson Max for the weekend, and thanks to Carly's sister, Allison, for babysitting Max for 12+ hours while we went to Kim and Andrew's wedding, and finally thanks Nani and Papa (Nancy and Fred) for taking care of Reagan while I went north with Max and David worked over the weekend at the golf course.

It was fun to see our family and close friends again in Wisconsin and Chicago!

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