Monday, January 2, 2017

Max, 10 months (Dec. 29, 2016)

Max: 10 months old

Dec. 29, 2016

Weight: about 22 pounds (based on 9-month doctor's appointment)

Max is moving around A LOT recently as he army crawls from room to room in our house.  Reagan started walking at 13 months, so we won't be surprised if Max gets anxious and learns to walk very soon!

We think that he is starting to get bored with his mashed baby foods because he shows less interest in finishing the food cups.  They will begin to serve him "table food" at Day Care next week.

He is loud and makes lots of sounds, although no words yet, besides "Mama" and "Dada."  If I remember correctly, Reagan said "Dog" before she even said Mama and Dada.

Max loves playing with his sister and her toys.  In particular, Max loves riding the red Mercedes toy car that Reagan's Aunt Caroline gave to her last summer.  Max crawls to the Mercedes and reaches for it, and we sit him in the car and push him around in it when Reagan is taking a nap or doesn't know that Max is "borrowing" it.  Occasionally Reagan will share her toys with him, but she is protective of her space and her new toys from Christmas.  Reagan does like to give him hugs and kisses when she is in a good mood.

Max loves playing with Hank Dog and touching his fur.  He lets out an excited shriek when he sees Hank Dog.  We're lucky that Hank is pretty low-key because Max loves touching and pulling his fur!

Times passes quickly when you're having fun with babies... We can't believe that Max will be 1 year old in just two months!  We're hoping to have a get-together in February or March one weekend with some of our Knoxville friends and babies are invited if they've got them!

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