He was born a leap baby on Feb. 29, 2016, so we are spread the birthday celebration between the night of Feb. 28th and continued with birthday donuts on the morning of March 1st.
We are having his official birthday celebration with family and friends in mid-March!
Max is still a big boy (90th % weight, 75th % height), though slowing down on the weight projectile.
His hair seems to get blonder and blonder!
He weighs 32 pounds, and Reagan (3.5 years) weighs 34 pounds. When we go grocery shopping together at Kroger, people tell me all the time how cute my "twin babies" are!
Reagan and Max are getting along most of the time. She will often say, "Hey Max! Come here!" and get into some trouble together or chase each other at the park.
Max eats A LOT. On the weekends, he averages 4-6 poopy diapers. (We are hoping to get him on the pot soon!)
Max is starting to form sentences when he speaks and it's easier for him to tell us what he wants and needs now.
He loves Mickey Mouse, Paw Patrol, cars, trucks, dinosaurs, painting with his sister and wagon rides to the park.
Best of all, Max still loves to sleep and takes advantage of the full 2-hour afternoon nap time at day care and goes to bed by 8:00 every night without fighting it.
We love our BIG MAX!
Love the pictures you have put together to celebrate Max's 2nd birthday. He is growing up fast! He along with his sister are both to dang cute! And looks like you and David are loving every moment with them. HUGS to all!