Saturday, October 25, 2014

Grandmas together!

Grandma Nancy stopped by Saturday night when she came into Knoxville, Tennessee.  Both Grandma Nancy and Grandma Susan watched as Baby Reagan played one of her famous "concerts" on the piano jingle gym, that she absolutely LOVES and is a wonderful toy when we don't know what  else to do for enterainment!  

#1 Fan for University of Tennessee!

So.... Mommy Peaches went a little over the top with her photo shoot of Reagan on Saturday afternoon, but I just couldn't help it when I dressed her in her cute University of Tennessee tutu dress!!!  (Sorry, not sorry!!!)

Reagan...almost 12 weeks

Here are just some cute pictures of Reagan on the changing table as she CHANGES from 11 weeks to 12 weeks!  (See what I did there?!?!)

Mommy survives 1st week of school!

It was nice to say that I could complete my first week of returning to teaching full-time and see the light at the end of the tunnel on Friday afternoon when I came home from work, looking forward to a full weekend with little Rah Rah!!!
 After coaching cross country following afternoon classes, I jumped into my car to get home quickly!  Grandma Susan claims that she also survived the week.  It's been a while since she has taken care of a baby for 8 hous straight, 5 days in a row!
 Granted, it will be a little tougher in the mornings when David and I will need to prepare 1-2 hours earlier for bringing Reagan to day care before work, but for now, David and I are grateful for Grandma Susan and Grandma Nancy as they help out until December!

 Reagan was just as tired as I was by the end of the school week!  Little girl fell asleep on my shoulder as Grandma Susan was taking our pictures!

Bath Night with Grandma Susan and Dad

Just another bath night last Thursday with Grandma Susan and Daddy Peaches!  This time, we moved the baby bath tub into the big people's bath tub, instead of near the sink, just to change things up.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Back to School!

Although I often have Reagan sleeping on my shoulder as I work on my computer at home, I am so thankful to have a beautiful, healthy daughter in my arms!  She is a joy and a blessing!

During my free periods now at school, I am pumping my boobs in a small office room downstairs, whereas I used to respond to colleague and parent emails and provide extra help to students.  It is a different world!

The transition to work was smoother than I thought it might be.  My back is hurting less caring a baby around all day, but as I say that,I wonder how my mom, Susan, is holding up with this 8-hour day baby-sitting job that I asked her to take on... and that I hope that my mother-in-law, Nancy, will take on in the upcoming week!   She claimed that she loves it, but I rush home from school/practice as soon as I can, because I KNOW what it feels like now to spend 8 hours a day with a baby... as a WONDERFUL I emphasize it can be and as STRESSFUL it can be at the same time.    I understand now!  But, I still love my baby girl!!!

Thanks to my Aunt Marsha for the crib mobile!  Reagan is ALMOST ready to start sleeping in the crib!  Arghhh!  Alrgready?1?! Special thanks to my brother-in-law, Ryan Haase, for also installing the crib monitor... wow, I did not believe that Reagan would already be sleeping in a "big girl crib" at just 3 months! 

Cheesehead!  So, David and I made a pact that neither of us (nor our family members) would be allowed to purchase Green Bay Packers or Chicago Bears fan gear this football season.  One of our friends already purchase a mini Cheesehead for Reagan... what can I do?!?!  Throw it away?!   Nah.....

Our good friend, Briginia, came to visit and bring a Halloween outfit that read, "I cast Daddy under my spell," and I promise there will be pictures to follow in late October... :)