Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wisconsin visitors in April

Here are some pictures so far from this weekend when Uncles Bill and Charlie and Grandma Susan came to visit from Wisconsin!  They enjoyed some sunny 80-degree weather today on a walk at home and a round of golf at David's course!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Reagan loves her Smarties!

Yes, since I am the only parent at home all weekend with Reagan, I take lots of pictures of her to entertain both of us, hoping that all of this picture-taking will wear us both out, and that she'll take her routine naps on Saturday and Sunday so I can eat, go the bathroom and, if I'm lucky, take a shower in the middle of the day.  This weekend was a little frustrating with how little I got done to prepare for Monday... I am technically a single parent on the weekends.  But, I won't waste time complaining and instead take today (ESPECIALLY today, Resurrection Sunday, Easter) to count my blessings and cherish all of this weekend time that I spend with Reagan (and Hank).  There's a lot of bathroom care and food-giving that I spend time doing between the two of them every weekend, but I suppose it just makes our bonds tighter. :)