Sunday, April 5, 2015

Reagan loves her Smarties!

Yes, since I am the only parent at home all weekend with Reagan, I take lots of pictures of her to entertain both of us, hoping that all of this picture-taking will wear us both out, and that she'll take her routine naps on Saturday and Sunday so I can eat, go the bathroom and, if I'm lucky, take a shower in the middle of the day.  This weekend was a little frustrating with how little I got done to prepare for Monday... I am technically a single parent on the weekends.  But, I won't waste time complaining and instead take today (ESPECIALLY today, Resurrection Sunday, Easter) to count my blessings and cherish all of this weekend time that I spend with Reagan (and Hank).  There's a lot of bathroom care and food-giving that I spend time doing between the two of them every weekend, but I suppose it just makes our bonds tighter. :)

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