Saturday, June 27, 2015

Reagan's 1st Wedding, June 2015

We took Reagan with us to her first wedding!  My good friend from school was getting married, and we assumed that Reagan would be well behaved, which she was.  It took a few hours to get all of us ready and out the door, but we made it and it was a fun night!  I was even impressed with how long Reagan kept her pink headband on before she didn't want to wear it anymore... about 30 minutes... a record for headband-wearing!

We gave Reagan a lemon to suck on, and she discovered quickly that the sour taste is a lot different than the sweet Bomb pops that we let her suck on at home!!!

Below:  Reagan and I pose with the beautiful bride and our good friend, Julieanne!  Gorgeous bride and gorgeous ceremony and reception!  They had the best chicken fingers that I have ever eaten in my life... I think that I ate 15!!!

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