Tuesday, August 11, 2015

12 month milestones and pictures

Reagan Amy Haase
12 months
July 28, 2015

-She can crawl like a speed racer!  

-She is not yet walking nor standing on her own, but she can walk around furniture quickly when holding on and doing a side shuffle. 

-She is drinking exclusively whole milk now and working on drinking from a sippy cup and holding it herself, instead of drinking from her baby bottle. 

-She says lots of sounds with "AHHH" in it, like "Mama," "Dada," and "BOOAHHH" which she says when she points to a lamp light or street light.  

-She is also starting to say "BYE BYE" and wave her hand wildly, but she says "BYE BYE" with a southern twang already, so it's more like "BAH BAH!"

-She loves to eat "real people food" now and cringes at the mashed up food that we still had left. 

-Reagan has eight teeth total now that we can see, four on top and four on the bottom. 

-Reagan's favorite foods: blueberries (she could eat a whole box!), cereal (Fruit loops!), Goldfish crackers, pasta, string cheese, shredded cheese, ice cream, frozen yogurt, vanilla Snack Packs, sandwich meat, bagel with peanut butter (in bite size pieces), and soup!  (The only food so far that Reagan often spits out is banana.)

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