I learned today that I will end my grocery shopping in the produce section when I go to the store next time with Reagan.
We went to Kroger this morning because we were low on food (besides bagels and cereal) at our apartment. I was also feeling very nauseous and Reagan had a lot of energy, so I thought that a Kroger trip would give me some fresh air and let Reagan expend some of her extra energy so she could take a nice, long afternoon nap!
The fruits and veggies are in the first part of the store when you enter, and I forgot that Reagan gets super excited when she sees her favorite fruits, grapes and blueberries. When I put both fruits in the cart behind her seat, she would not stop looking behind her and reaching for the grapes.
While I wouldn't feel bad if it were a drink or a doughnut (my brother and I would sometimes eat our doughnuts before we made it to the check-out line on church Sundays...), because I could tell the cashier what she ate and the missing food/drink item that I needed to pay for, with grapes, the more she ate, the less the bag weighed and we would be technically "stealing" because we wouldn't end up paying for all the grapes that were originally in the bag. If it were a few grapes, no big deal... BUT, Reagan kept on reaching back and yelling when I hid the grapes from her. I even tried playing YouTube videos on my phone while throwing items in my cart and driving down each aisle, but Reagan did not forget about the grapes! So, she ended up eating quite a bit.
Well, I guess I don't feel so bad because I bought a jug of orange juice from this same Kroger store last week, and the expiration date was from last June, and there was mold on the side of the top of the bottle, so we paid for it and couldn't drink it.
And we were overall successful! We have fruit in our apartment, Reagan took a nap and I feel less nauseous because I can rest, too! :)
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