Sunday, December 4, 2016

Max's 9-month doctor's visit

Max had a very successful 9-month health check-up with the pediatrician on Tues. Nov. 29th.  

9 months?!  I can't believe that Max is already 9 months!

That being said, he ran a high fever at day care the Friday of that same week, but already rebounded over the sickness this past weekend and seems ready for day care Monday... I hope!

He is measuring in the 80th percentile for height (29 inches) and weight (21 lbs, 6 oz), which does not surprise us.  

Max has two bottom teeth and two top teeth.  He has been a little fussy lately, but not as much as we would expect with a teething baby!  Max is so chill, and we love him for that. 

He is ready for "big people" food.  Super advanced.  He is crawling and standing with the help of a table to support his weight.  We won't be surprised if he starts walking very soon. 

Max is excited to ride in the stroller "sans car seat" now when we take walks.  His head is just about as big as his sister's head, but she still has longer legs than him.  They enjoy their nightly baths together, but sometimes they fight over the bath toys.  

Max had a little "skin bubble," or what looked like a pimple on his left nipple, but since it wasn't red, and since I had only noticed it at this doctor's appointment (so it wasn't a thing that he's had for a long time), the doctor was not considered.  She said that we could put a hot compress on it to make it go down, but she said that might not even be necessary and that it may very well disappear on its own.  In any case, that was a minor issue and Max was very healthy otherwise! 

David and I can't believe that Max will be a 1-year-old in 3 months... just a good excuse for a party in the middle of winter!  We'll be ready to celebrate in late February!  (or early March?  for this leap year baby?!?!)

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