Monday, November 19, 2018

Baby 3: Not here yet at 41 weeks, 5 days

No exciting news at my doctor's check-up appointment this afternoon, but that's okay!

Today was my first day that I took of my maternity leave with both Reagan and Max at Day Care, so I could use a few days of rest before the excitement with Baby Sloane begins.

And, I received a phone call that Max had a 102.5 fever this morning, so I ended up picking him up from Day Care early and taking him to the doctor.  He's better but will rest at home with us tomorrow.

I'm 40 weeks, 5 days today, and will be officially 41 weeks this Wed. Nov. 21st, a week past my due date.  We didn't think that we would make it this far!

I weighed 145 pounds today, about 25 more than pre-pregnancy weight.  Blood pressure was great at 102/60 something... still 3 cm dilated, same as last Monday.

My doctor wants to see me in two days for a stress test and ultrasound to make sure the baby is okay, but she was not concerned about getting me in immediately for an induction.

We went ahead and scheduled an induction for 6:00 AM this Saturday, Nov. 24th if I don't go into labor before then.  The induction schedule was busy this week because it's Thanksgiving Break.

Saturday is David's birthday, so that would be a wonderful gift if God's plan is for Sloane to come the 24th!  Nancy said that David's due date was also Nov. 14th, just like Sloane, and he, of course, didn't come until 10 days later.

Until Baby Sloane's arrival, we are looking forward to an enjoyable Thanksgiving week with family in Tennessee!

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