Saturday, November 24, 2018

Sloane's 1st check up doctor appointment

Sloane went to her first doctor's check-up appointment this morning, just 3 days after her birth. 

Nov. 24, 2018 (Dad's birthday!)

Weight: 7 pounds, 10 oz. (50th percentile)

Length: 20.5 inches (90th percentile)

Head circumference: 13.5 inches

Doctor said that Sloane looks and acts healthy.  Sloane goes in for another check-up in 2 days on Monday. 

Fun fact:  Sloane's blood type is O-negative = the universal blood donor, just like her Grandpa Don!

(Mom is O-positive, which means that Dad is "negative something," since Mom gave to Sloane the "O part" and Dad gave to Sloane the "negative something" part.)

Sloane Kelly is looking a lot like her sister, Reagan Amy, in these photos of her first few days out of Mom's body!

1 comment:

  1. Sloane looks PERFECT! Congratulations to you and David. You are blessed! Love ya .. CUS xoxo
