Tuesday, December 31, 2013

7 weeks, 6 days Officially

I went in for my 8-week ultrasound, or what I thought would be about 8 weeks and 1 day.  My doctor ultimately measured the baby at 7 weeks and 6 days, but she said "it" was right on track and she was happy with what she saw in the ultrasound pics.  Since I had been feeling so nauseous and I was worried about fainting in my classroom when I start school next week on Jan. 6th, (yes, I have a long history of fainting… ask me about my cracked two front teeth sometime…), my doctor gave me TWO different prescriptions for medicine to combat the nausea -- one for the day time and one to knock me out at night.

It was fun for my doctor to play around with the new ultrasound machine again, and the clearer pictures that I get now compared to what we saw on the old machine last spring make me feel a lot more confident about what my doctor and I can exactly see inside my uterus!  I'm feeling much more optimistic about this pregnancy because this is the furthest that I have been where I have seen and heard the heartbeat and have seen the baby reach the "fetus stage."  At this point, I can only be patient and stay positive and know that there is not much more that I can do beyond my control besides eating a healthy diet, getting exercise and getting plenty of sleep.  My doctor continues to stress the importance of getting 1000 mg of Folic acid every day, so I'm doing that, too.

Well, BLAH BLAH BLAH…... Here are the pictures!

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