Monday, December 30, 2013

8-week Milestone?

Well, I guess it had to happen at some point, but I just thought I would be one of the lucky ones that would not need to vomit during pregnancy.  Today marks 8 weeks in my pregnancy, as well as the first day for me to throw up.  Ugh, so I had been feeling pretty "normal" without any pregnancy symptoms in the last few weeks, but all of a sudden, as I enter my 8th week now, the symptoms are all hitting me hard.  I threw up three times today.  I NEVER throw up… even when I'm the "normal sick," but only when I'm severely sick and on my deathbed, when I threw up last year when I was out ill over Christmas, so this was something major for me. David and I just drove back from Wisconsin three days ago on Dec. 27th, and I only felt super tired while we spent Christmas week up north, but now I have been feeling very dizzy and light-headed since we drove back to Tennessee.  The food aversions did come on strong last week, too.  My dad made sure to have some decaffeinated coffee in the house, but the taste and smell of coffee made me nauseous.  Just like last spring, any vegetables or salad really make me feel sick, too. Although my food cravings and aversions continuously change, below are some of my recent ones.  I still can't believe that I actually have certain "cravings" because I always thought it was a bunch of bologna that pregnant women made up as an excuse to eat lots of junk food.

Cravings: Fruit (pineapple, grapes), Lays potato chips (sour cream & onion, salt & vinegar), spaghetti and meatballs, cheese, rice, toast with butter, Chick-fil-A waffle fries


Aversions: lettuce, salads, vegetables (especially squash), coffee, chocolate

Thanks to my hubby for taking me to IHOP yesterday to get me some blueberry pancakes!  I was craving them so badly that I salivated over the online menu the night before!

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