Saturday, May 9, 2015

Grass-playing outside in Tennessee

We have learned that Reagan really loves playing in and picking at the grass!  With David working late, often until 9:00 every night, I'm taking care of a baby that just took a long afternoon nap at Day Care and is ready to play in addition to a 110-pound yellow lab that has been locked inside an apartment all day and has the worst case of cabin fever and a full bladder.  So, I take them both out for a good 30-45 minutes when Reagan and I get home from Day Care in our own "backyard" that is the grass and woods behind our apartment building.  I let Hank loose without a leash to roam, and if anyone challenges me that he's not on a leash, I just show them the 9-month baby that I'm preoccupied with!  Hank does his business and sniffs around while Reagan and I walk behind him, pick at the leaves on the trees and enjoy the fresh air until we find a shady spot to sit and play in the grass.  She doesn't smile more than when she's outside on this green carpet!

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