Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New shoes Part 2 and snuggling with Daddy

Nani (Grandma Nancy) bought Reagan a new pair of shoes because we could not find one of Reagan's new walking shoes that David had bought her, but then, of course, on the day that she received her second pair of shoes, David found the missing shoe stuck between the side of a dresser and the wall just below the stair case where Reagan had chucked the shoe down.  But both pairs of shoes are cool and she'll probably wear them both out fast with how much she has been walking lately, so it's okay!

After so much walking practice, Reagan needed to take a break and snuggle with Daddy last Saturday afternoon.

House Update (Sept. 23)

These pictures are from last week, Wed. Sept. 23rd, when I got a chance to visit the house.

David and I had our first official walk-through appointment with Ball Homes to see our house yesterday, Mon. Sept. 28th and they showed us around.

We also scheduled our closing walk-through appointment for Thurs. Oct. 8th when we are set to move into the house and sign the final papers!

They told us that tomorrow, Wed. Sept. 30th, all of the painting should be done and the house will look a lot more finished as they work on the last parts of the house.

Here's what the house looked like last week: