First Day in the Toddler Room! Aug. 31, 2015
Reagan had a good first day in the "toddler room" yesterday--Monday at Day Care.
She turned 13 months old on Aug. 28th, but they kept her in the infant room to help better transition her into the Toddler room with the bigger, walking kids because she had been out of Day Care all summer.
Reagan is not yet walking on her own, but crawling super fast and walking around coffee and kid tables for support.
She now drinks whole milk and needs to wear shoes in the toddler room.
The teachers said at Day Care that Reagan doesn't like to keep her shoes on her feet while she takes her naps, so she brought her foot up to her mouth yesterday and pulled off the shoes with her mouth and set them down beside her before she went to sleep!
They say that Reagan is still a good eater! There's not much that she doesn't like and is good at grabbing her own food, and has even used the baby fork and spoon at home with us to serve herself some food.
She can now hold her own sippy cup with the whole milk, which gives us one less thing to do and we can all relax while she enjoys her milk on her own!
Love all the pictures! She is soooo precious!