Thursday, July 28, 2016

Neighbor Twins

Reagan loves her neighbors!  The twins, Haydin and Brylie, are so sweet and love spending time with Reagan, whether they draw with crayons together, watch videos, run around in the backyard in the sprinkler, or Haydin and Brylie even offer to help bathe Reagan when it comes that time to get a bath at night!

We have some really awesome neighbors and feel so grateful to live next door and a "few next doors" to some great people!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Max's 1st Day at Day Care

Our little Max had a wonderful first day at Day Care on Monday!  All of the teachers said that he has been "so chill" and "laughing a lot."  That is music to the hears of a mother who will start full-time teaching and coaching in just two weeks!

We love that Reagan and Max are enjoying their day care center so much.  This will be a busy fall, but we are all ready for the excitement and chaos at the Team Haase House!

Bug cream for Reagan (again)

Reagan had more bug bites.... obviously because it's summer again and that's when the mosquitos and whatever else is out there that comes to bite us in the warm weather... especially in this warm weather in East Tennessee.

We used the same cream that she received at a doctor's appointment last summer to use for this summer.  I'm blogging this because this Triamcinolone Acetone cream was so helpful that I wanted to make sure we found this blog post again.  David even looked up the last blog post that I wrote about this bug biting cream from last summer so that we could find it in our cabinet drawers and bring it out again to help Reagan!  All this blog-writing is put to good use, huh?!

All that said, we are enjoying these last few days of Summer 2016 with friends and family.  I can't believe that Fall 2016 is already just around the corner.  I'm not sure if I'm ready but fall, while it is my busiest work season of the year, it is my favorite season of the year!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saturday in the Summer with Nani

The kids and I spent Saturday with a lunch and shopping trip with "Nani" (David's mom, Nancy) to the Turkey Creek shopping center in Knoxville to beat the heat!  McAlister's Deli followed by Target and some play time at the house made for a fun afternoon!

Reagan was especially excited with the chocolate that Nani gave her and the new pink cowboy boots!  (Stay posted for pictures next week when she rocks these boots at her 2nd birthday party coming up!)  Thanks, Nani!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Lunch Date with Teacher Mommas in the Summer

The mommy teachers got together for a quick lunch date at Newk's sandwich shop in Knoxville.  This doesn't happen often, so we documented it with a picture... except, a Newk's employee wanted to be in it with us, so it's us and this new guy friend!

Eda is 38 weeks pregnant and due beginning of August.  Amy brought baby Elizabeth (15 months) and her son, Jude, was at her in-laws' house for the week.  Alessandra's teenage girls were off doing their own things, while I brought baby Max (4.5 months) and let Reagan play with her fun friends at day care for the day. 

Cross Country Summer Practice 2016

I've been working with my fellow coaches this summer to prepare our cross country runners for a successful Fall 2016 season!  These are pictures of our post-run pancake breakfast at a runner's house.   It'll probably be my busiest fall yet, but it'll be fun and it's my favorite weather season of the year in Knoxville!

Mastitis for the 3rd time :(

Bum, bum, my hard boob lump returned for the 3rd time on Wednesday, 7/20.

I actually felt the pain Tuesday night and it didn't go away.

So, I went to get the same antibiotics (Dicloxacillin) that my doctor gave to me the first two times since Max was born four months ago.

It helped immediately, and again I was thankful that it was the lesser degree of the mastitis and not a breast cancer lump, which I feared the first time when I felt the pain because I had never heard of mastitis before.

My doctor gave me strict instructions to make sure that I don't go more than two hours without breastfeeding Max or without using the pump machine.  She said that the breast milk is basically sugar water sitting in my boobs that needs to move around and get sucked out, or otherwise my boobs become a hotbed for the bacteria, and thus the hard mastitis lumps will return.

At least I'll have some company from a few of my other boob-pumping teacher friends in the language department this fall in our "maternity room" when we are there during our free periods.  My high schoolers would probably rather not know where I am going when they see me quickly escape with a big black bag and my keys out of my classroom at the end of each class period!

The good news is that Max is loving the "natural milk" and we haven't had to buy formula yet, and probably won't need to for him because he'll start eating solid (well "mushy" human foods) when he turns six months at the end of August.  He's growing faster than ever!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Summer fun at home and at day care!

I've really enjoyed spending a lot of time with my two babies at home.  One of the perks of working as a teacher is that, while I have a crazy busy schedule 10 months of the year, I do have two months in the summer when I can spend quality time together with Reagan and Max.  Both cuties are growing so fast, physically and mentally, in particular Reagan, as she is forming more complete sentences and becoming so observant about her surroundings and the interaction that she has with the people in her life!  It's been fun!

That being said, I need to start getting organized for the beginning of school and I have already been "working" part-time as a coach because our XC practices started in June.  So, Reagan started day care  last week to ease the transition back from being at home to playing with her schoolmates.  She will need to make another transition next week as she moves from the "1-2 year olds room" to the "2+ year olds room" across the hall at her day care center.  We're really happy about our decision to send her a little early before I actually start teaching so that this is not such a difficult transition for her and us in the next two weeks!  She has had such a fun time so far since she returned, according to her teachers and from when I watch her through the window when I pick her up at the end of the day.

Max will start soon, so we're going to practice getting two kids ready in the morning and arriving at both day care and my school on time before my first class starts.  David leaves for work before 7:00 every morning, so he's already got his hands full with the early morning shift and taking care of Hank Dog before he leaves for a long day of work.  This will be a good trial run this next week before I put on the heels and dresses!

Jude B's 3rd Birthday Party!

Reagan, Max and I went to the 3rd birthday party of our good friend, Jude B, at their beautiful house and big backyard on the other side of Knoxville!

It was fun to see his wonderful parents and little sister, Elizabeth!

Here are some photos below.  Reagan and Max fell fast asleep on the car ride home from the party!