Friday, July 22, 2016

Mastitis for the 3rd time :(

Bum, bum, my hard boob lump returned for the 3rd time on Wednesday, 7/20.

I actually felt the pain Tuesday night and it didn't go away.

So, I went to get the same antibiotics (Dicloxacillin) that my doctor gave to me the first two times since Max was born four months ago.

It helped immediately, and again I was thankful that it was the lesser degree of the mastitis and not a breast cancer lump, which I feared the first time when I felt the pain because I had never heard of mastitis before.

My doctor gave me strict instructions to make sure that I don't go more than two hours without breastfeeding Max or without using the pump machine.  She said that the breast milk is basically sugar water sitting in my boobs that needs to move around and get sucked out, or otherwise my boobs become a hotbed for the bacteria, and thus the hard mastitis lumps will return.

At least I'll have some company from a few of my other boob-pumping teacher friends in the language department this fall in our "maternity room" when we are there during our free periods.  My high schoolers would probably rather not know where I am going when they see me quickly escape with a big black bag and my keys out of my classroom at the end of each class period!

The good news is that Max is loving the "natural milk" and we haven't had to buy formula yet, and probably won't need to for him because he'll start eating solid (well "mushy" human foods) when he turns six months at the end of August.  He's growing faster than ever!

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