Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Summer fun at home and at day care!

I've really enjoyed spending a lot of time with my two babies at home.  One of the perks of working as a teacher is that, while I have a crazy busy schedule 10 months of the year, I do have two months in the summer when I can spend quality time together with Reagan and Max.  Both cuties are growing so fast, physically and mentally, in particular Reagan, as she is forming more complete sentences and becoming so observant about her surroundings and the interaction that she has with the people in her life!  It's been fun!

That being said, I need to start getting organized for the beginning of school and I have already been "working" part-time as a coach because our XC practices started in June.  So, Reagan started day care  last week to ease the transition back from being at home to playing with her schoolmates.  She will need to make another transition next week as she moves from the "1-2 year olds room" to the "2+ year olds room" across the hall at her day care center.  We're really happy about our decision to send her a little early before I actually start teaching so that this is not such a difficult transition for her and us in the next two weeks!  She has had such a fun time so far since she returned, according to her teachers and from when I watch her through the window when I pick her up at the end of the day.

Max will start soon, so we're going to practice getting two kids ready in the morning and arriving at both day care and my school on time before my first class starts.  David leaves for work before 7:00 every morning, so he's already got his hands full with the early morning shift and taking care of Hank Dog before he leaves for a long day of work.  This will be a good trial run this next week before I put on the heels and dresses!

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