Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bug cream for Reagan (again)

Reagan had more bug bites.... obviously because it's summer again and that's when the mosquitos and whatever else is out there that comes to bite us in the warm weather... especially in this warm weather in East Tennessee.

We used the same cream that she received at a doctor's appointment last summer to use for this summer.  I'm blogging this because this Triamcinolone Acetone cream was so helpful that I wanted to make sure we found this blog post again.  David even looked up the last blog post that I wrote about this bug biting cream from last summer so that we could find it in our cabinet drawers and bring it out again to help Reagan!  All this blog-writing is put to good use, huh?!

All that said, we are enjoying these last few days of Summer 2016 with friends and family.  I can't believe that Fall 2016 is already just around the corner.  I'm not sure if I'm ready but fall, while it is my busiest work season of the year, it is my favorite season of the year!

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