Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 weeks 6 days

Well, it's almost the 11-week mark, and I have not written anything recently, so I stopped lesson planning early so that I could write something tonight.  I promise, promise, PROMISE that I will write more often in the 2nd trimester... I have just been feeling so light-headed, weak and tired in these last few weeks that I only have a small window of a few hours to do some work after school to prepare for the next school day before I just shut down physically by 7:30 or 8:00 every night.  I was feeling so bad last night (vomited in the morning and evening) that I called in a for a sub for my classes today, and I hardly ever call in sick.  The school secretary ended up asking David to sub for my classes, so although it would've been nice to have him at home to give me soup, a back massage and take Hank out for me, it was a win-win situation so I could easily give him my plans and he could make a few extra bucks, too!

There are so many things I could've written about in these past two weeks, and every time I think of something, David says, "That's definitely something you need to put on the blog!"  I'll write more often when I feel better.  Speaking of feeling better soon, I actually feel very relieved and feel great mentally if I am feeling so bad now because it just gives me more faith that things are "working" in my body and the pregnancy is going well.  Last spring, David and I specifically remember a point in my first trimester when my symptoms all of a sudden disappeared, and we're guessing that's when the baby died.

Here are a few details from our experience with my changing body in the last two weeks:

*I definitely have a "super sniffer" like Hank now!  My sense of smell is so strong!  If there's gross-smelling left-over food or empty containers in the garbage, I can smell it easily and have needed to take out the garbage to our apartment's garbage dump even if the bag wasn't completely full because it made me so nauseous.  Unfortunately, I can also smell the nasty farts by David and Hanky, too, right away.

*I have so much saliva in my mouth that I am constantly spitting out the excess saliva (in the most delicate way that a girl can) in the sink or out on walks with Hank or in my small garbage can at school when there are no students in my room.  You'll see in one of the photos below that I even have a large plastic container next to my bed that I originally kept there for any emergency vomiting situations, but David likes to call it my "spittoon" because that's why I have been using it for when I'm in bed.  I know, gross, but I feel like my tongue is drowning in my mouth with all that saliva!

*I had originally volunteered in December to chaperone the winter formal dance held by my school set for Saturday, January 11th.  However, when that Saturday came around and I started walking around in my high heels in the overly-heated dance room (full of students but also very heated because we had just returned to school that week after 2 "ice days" so everyone was still feeling the need to crank up the heat), I started to feel very light-headed.  I had already vomited that morning, but wanted to try to come because I knew there weren't a lot of chaperones signed up. Luckily, I was having a conversation with the school nurse, who was also chaperoning, when I started feeling faint and she knew about my two previous miscarriages, so I could whisper into her ear why I was feeling the way I was at that moment, and she immediately brought me downstairs of the country club where the dance was to let me rest and get blood back to my head.  I eventually went home early, and was thankful that I did not faint and cause a scene in front of my colleagues and students nor hurt myself. I have fainted a dozen times in my life, and once I cracked my two front teeth (which my dentist points out every time I see her but it's not obvious in public).  I can usually feel my body heat up in a sweat and my head feel light when I am about to faint like I've done in the past.

*Things that turn me off now: ALL vegetables, salads, coffee, chocolate, mint gum, mint toothpaste (which makes me dread brushing my teeth every day)

*Things that I feel comfortable eating or sound appealing to me: fruit (apples, grapes, pineapple, oranges), spaghetti and meatballs, white toast and butter, cheese and crackers, hamburger meat, Starburst candy, soup

In the meantime, David and I anxiously await our next ultrasound appointment on Thursday morning, January 23rd.  It will be the first appointment that we both come together during this 3rd pregnancy of this year, and I should measure about 11 weeks, 1 day.  We'll see if the due date changes at all based on new measurements Thursday.  Since I've been feeling so light-headed, have been vomiting and my stomach is even showing a little bloat lately, and all of this more so than last spring with my 1st pregnancy, we're feeling optimistic that this little kid is going to stick this time!

Speaking of bloat... I hesitated to take any "belly pictures" at this early in the game, but David made a good point that I need to start "somewhere in the beginning" to show progress from the beginning to the end.  First, there's "not much" there and I've heard that you can't even call it a bump, but rather just a bloated stomach right now.  Second, although I feel much more confident with the pregnancy this time around, I'm still a little anxious about it all until I have some good pictures and good baby kicks in March and April.

Soooooo, below are a few 10-week photos from two different school days last week when I felt well enough to stand up and was dressed appropriately in my school clothes.  :-)

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