Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Days at the perfect time!

Our school released staff, teachers and students early at 10:30 AM yesterday because of dangerous driving conditions anticipated in the afternoon and then it only got worse last night, so we had another "snow day" today, too.

These 4 snow days in January for our school could not have come at a better time for a pregnant lady in the non-glamorous sickly, tired days of her 1st trimester!   I feel thankful and, while I am indeed using some of the free time to catch up on grading and not just playing in the snow like others may think, I'm also taking advantage of these days to catch up on sleep and relax!

Today may have been a message for me to stay at home and not even get on the roads because I decided to drive to school (only 5 minutes away) this afternoon and get some work done and get rid of some cabin fever.  Although it was only about 4 miles from our apartment to school, I got stuck on one of the several hills that make up these 4 miles and ended up calling a friend plus getting help from 5 different strangers who helped to push my car out of the snow.  I hope the roads get better soon because if I can't even drive to school, an experienced driver in Wisconsin snow and only living 5 miles away, I don't know how my colleagues that live 20-40 miles away will make it tomorrow morning!

I'm looking forward to my next ultrasound appointment.  I got it moved up a little to Monday, Feb. 20th, so that I could go on President's Day when I don't have classes.  I'll be about 15 weeks.  I don't think I'll be able to know the gender by then, and I don't want to know anyway if the doctor can't be sure by then. 

Happy almost February!  Snow days are great, but I'm already looking forward to some warmer weather and a new, fresh month! 

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