Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Much-needed "Snow Days"!!!

The effects of the "polar vortex" led to incredibly cold temperatures everywhere in the country, including down here in Knoxville, Tennessee.  Some people laughed that my school in the Southwestern part of the U.S.A. called off classes on both Monday and today, when we were supposed to start the 2nd semester after a 2-week winter break.

However, we had some heavy rain followed by the dip in temperature on Sunday night, so we had ice everywhere Monday through Tuesday, without the plows and other resources of the North to make the roads good to drive on again, so we rightfully had classes called off, just as the schools in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois did.

And, no, I didn't JUST sleep these past two days as a teacher without school.  I had to alter my lesson plans and revise homework assignments and test/project calendars to accommodate our new schedule minus these two days of the 2nd semester.

ANYWAY, that being said, I was incredibly thankful to have an extra two days living and "working" at home because I am still feeling very light-headed and nauseous as I enter my 9th week of pregnancy tomorrow.  I am getting a little nervous about returning to school tomorrow and moving around more than I have been these past two weeks as I begin teaching in the classroom and interacting with high school students.  I have a bucket under my desk, an "escape plan" toward a toilet if I have a little extra time to run outside of my classroom and will bring plenty of saltines and hard candy to put in my desk drawers to help me survive each day until February 1st, which marks the end of my 1st semester.

My doctor gave me some day time anti-nauseau pills and some pills that will also make me sleep soundly in the evening.  The anti-nauseau night pills are called Promethazine.  They day-time ones are called Ondansetron (which is generic for Zofran), and they are "melt-in-your-mouth" tablets that taste like cherry.  They've been helping, and I will probably need a refill before I see my doctor at my 11 week appointment on Thursday, January 23rd.

So, here it goes… wish me luck as I return to school during this not so glamorous period in my pregnancy.  Don't get me wrong… The worse that the morning sickness is, the better I feel mentally about a strong baby growing rapidly inside of me.  I'm just hoping to feel well enough to have an enjoyable month of school and keep all this a secret from my students (who are more observant that I might think) for as long as possible!

Happy 2014 and Happy 9 weeks for me tomorrow!  Getting closer to the end of 12 weeks!

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