Thursday, January 2, 2014

IHOP mishap!

Mmmm!  So, I learned something valuable today in my early stages of pregnancy… Make sure that you know where to find the bathroom in the restaurant if you're dining out!  David and I went out for breakfast with Ryan and his girlfriend, Amanda, to the IHOP restaurant in West Knoxville.  I had already enjoyed my scrambled eggs, hash browns and crispy bacon and had just started my strawberry pancakes.  I was hungry and probably would've eaten it all…until I started feeling like all this delicious food would not stay in my stomach for much longer.  Little did I know that our restaurant booth was right next to the bathroom.  As I said "I'm feeling sick" to David and took off in the other direction of the restaurant, David, Ryan and Amanda tried to yell to me, "Sam, the bathroom is over here!" and so I turned around as fast as I could, now in the correct direction toward the toilets.  With my hand over my mouth and some of "it" escaping from me already, I pushed open the ladies' door and stuck my face in the toilet to get virtually all of it into the bowl, but some workers ended up needing to clean the stuff that fell on the run to the bathroom.  And I want to especially thank Amanda for following me into the restroom and cleaning up the little that was left on my jacket and my shirt.  Ryan let me wear his jacket until we reached the mall where I bought a new shirt and threw my one with vomit in the trash.

So, today was another milestone: my 2nd puking of my pregnancy for a girl who NEVER pukes in her life when sick from a cold, hangovers or anything!  It was such a good breakfast, too, so I hated to see it all go to waste in the toilet.

To finish this post with a quote from my witty husband, David: "Not IHOP… more like IPUKE."

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