Sunday, February 2, 2014

13 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along?  13 weeks, 0 days (according to measurements from last ultrasound scan on Thurs. Jan. 23rd) I don't have much of a "bump" yet, but here are 13-week photos to compare for later!
2) Total weight gain? Nothing this week. I weighed myself yesterday and was 132 pounds.  
3) Maternity clothes? No, just my go-to favorites: leggings, skirts, dresses and long blouses. 

4) Stretch marks? least I don't think so!

5) Sleep? I'm getting tired easily still by around 7:00 PM, even with my early 9:30 PM bedtime, but I did start feeling slightly more energetic yesterday, so I tried biking at Fairways & Greens.  I got pretty heated fast, and it's been 5 weeks since I last exercised "hard," so I needed to rest on the couch immediately after with an ice pack on my head.  I felt a little better later and did arm weight exercises with dumb bells, but I was sitting down the whole time, so I could lie down immediately and get blood to my head if I started feeling like I was going to faint again. 
6) Best moment this week? Probably that I was able to just exercise more than my usual daily walk, since I'm not supposed to walk Hank anymore, and he doesn't always stick by me when I let him off his leash, so he doesn't pull me down.  It's been a rough week emotionally, so I'm hoping that I'll have more "best moments" next week. :)

7) Miss Anything? I miss heavy exercise still, but was happy to get to bike even for just 25 minutes one day this week. I ate one salad Saturday, a rare appearance of vegetable-eating, because I felt just a bit better yesterday. I miss doing things with David and feeling relaxed and not so stressed about our lives this first part of the pregnancy. They say it only gets better in months 4-7. 

8) Movement? No, I don't feel anything.  I'm anxious to, though!

9) Food cravings? Still lots of watermelon.  If I'm feeling hydrated, it helps me to get in more "fluids" in my body and tastes so good!  There's nothing else I'm really "craving."  My taste buds are so out of whack that nothing really sounds particularly delicious to me... I'm just trying to get in enough healthy food that I can keep down. However, my sense of SMELL is still extremely strong.  While some might think it's useful in some situations, it's sometimes annoying because I can smell just about any smell in a room that I'm in, and I can't get it out of my head.  I almost wish I didn't smell anything at all. 

10) Anything making you queasy or sick? Mainly vegetables still, so I need sauce or cheese to put on it if I try to eat any vegetable.  Nothing tastes particularly good or bad to me.  It all just is a form of energy going in my stomach with no taste to me.

11) Gender? No, not yet.

12) Labor Signs? No, sir!

13) Symptoms? Sharp sense of smell, nauseous still (until I felt a tiny bit better yesterday), fatigue, headaches, and definitely a lot of saliva (I try not to spit in public on the street, but sometimes I need to when no one's looking!)

14) Belly Button in or out? In!
15) Wedding rings on or off? Yes

16) Happy or Moody? Up and down this week.  I had a few days off from school due to icy roads, so I got extra rest and work done during the day when I usually feel better, but it's also been an emotionally tiring week, so I'm looking forward to moving onto enjoying a stress-free week 13.
17) Looking forward to what? A pleasant 13th week and a little more exercise and less fatigue! (At least wishing for it!)

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