Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Gender Reveal...Kind Of!

My doctor told me that she would probably be able to see what the gender of our baby was when she searched on the ultrasound screen during my 15-week check-up yesterday.  She asked if David and I wanted to know at this point, and I said yes, but asked if she could write it down on a piece of paper and put it in a sealed envelope, so we could open it together when I saw him later. 

The doctor says that she is "80% certain" of her gender reveal right now at 15 weeks.  Below is what she gave us!  

David said, "Well, it's even teams now with you girls and Hank and me...for now!"  We're already fighting over names, so we welcome suggestions!  I think we're going to also come up with our own lists of favorites and post a voting poll on the blog to get input later!

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