Sunday, February 9, 2014

14 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along?  14 weeks, 0 days
2) Total weight gain? 1 pound. I weighed 133 pounds today.
3) Maternity clothes? No, however, my Latin teacher colleague already guessed that I was pregnant, so I've got to be sneakier about my wardrobe selections this week to cover any sort of bump that might give a clue.  I'm still hoping that my students just think that I gained a little weight around my stomach, or that they're at least too polite to ask any questions!
4) Stretch marks? No
5) Sleep? Yes, I'm sleeping a lot!  I still hear my bed calling my name at 7:30 and then fall asleep by 9:30. I set my alarm for 6:00 every morning but still end up getting out of bed at 7:15, so I'm getting plenty of sleep. That's for sure!
6) Best moment this week? I had some great classes on Friday... that doesn't always happen, especially during last period of the school day!
7) Miss Anything? I still miss running, but was able to bike twice this past week. Surprisingly, I don't miss wine or beer. 
8) Movement? No, just the occasional rumblings of my empty stomach.
9) Food cravings? Still watermelon and lots of fruit...oranges, apples, pears, and bananas that I'm always grabbing from the school cafeteria in the morning to hold me over until lunch.
10) Anything making you queasy or sick? Still vegetables
11) Gender? No, we don't know yet.
12) Labor Signs? Nope!
13) Symptoms? I still feel like I always have a pool of saliva in my mouth. I can't help but spit it out when I get the urge, and spitting grosses me out. I hate when guys do it in public, so I'm trying to stop this bad habit!
14) Belly Button in or out? In
15) Wedding rings on or off? On
16) Happy or Moody? In the middle... Very on and off!
17) Looking forward to what? Booze and Patsy come to visit us in Knoxville this Thursday over my long February Break weekend!  Also, I have my 15-week ultrasound appointment in a week!  Eeek!!!

I was happy to be able to simply bike for 20 minutes easy, stretch and do some arm weight exercises on the ground, but I do look tired in these pics! I think I took so many because I was delaying my exercise routine and would rather take selfies of the not-so-big 14 week "bump."