Tuesday, November 10, 2015

24 weeks with Baby #2

How far along?  24 weeks
How big is the baby?  According to my Ovia Pregnancy app on my iPhone, Baby Haase #2 is about 13 inches long, the size of an eggplant and weighs about 1.5 pounds. 
Total weight gain?  11 pounds (from 125 to 136 now)
Maternity clothes?  Stretch pants and skirts with loose shirts at work, and then I wear David's size large t-shirts and athletic shorts at home
Stretch marks?  None that I see
Sleep?  Going to bed early, especially with the daylight savings time change when it's dark at 5:00 PM and makes me wants to hibernate.  9:30-10:00 is a normal bed time.
Symptoms?  I'm feeling fatigued, have tighter back muscles, and most embarrassing is that when I sneeze or having a strong cough, I either feel like I'm going to pee my pants or actually pee my pants a little.... It never happened with Reagan, but I guess my lower body half muscles are a little looser this second time around! 
Best moment of this week?  Ending the cross country season after coaching both boys' and girls' high school teams since last June!  I have 2-3 hours more each day now!
Miss anything?  It's difficult to see my feet, and therefore really difficult to shave my legs, but that bothers David more than me.  I'm not craving alcohol and I'm content with walking Hank rather than running for exercise. 
Movement?  Lots of movement this week, and it started around mid-week 22, just like when I was pregnant with Reagan.
Food cravings?  Pizza, bananas, hot chocolate, both sugary and salty foods
Food aversions?  Anything mint-flavored!  Just like my first pregnancy, I dread brushing my teeth with mint toothpaste and I don't chew mint gum, even though I chewed mint gum on a daily basis before being pregnant. 
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Any strong smells, including mint, perfumes, body sprays, etc. 
Have you started to show yet?   Yes, now people are not afraid to ask me "what I'm having" in the grocery store. 
Gender?  Boy!  We found out with a gender-reveal cake on Oct. 23rd at a party with David's golf employees and friends, and then my students celebrated with gender-reveal cakes the following week.
Labor signs?  No
Belly button in or out?  It's been OUT for a while!  I'm a little embarrassed of how obvious it is sticking out when I wear loose shirts to school.  I wonder if my students think it's weird. 
Wedding rings on or off?  On.  They were on the entire time when I was pregnant with Reagan.  I have bony fingers. 
Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy but tired
Looking forward to?  The holiday breaks
Milestones?  I went to my 24-week OBGYN check-up appointment today.  My blood pressure was 102 over 62.  The baby's heartbeat was 150 bpm.   No ultrasound, but I need to take the glucose test for my next appointment in four weeks when I will drink the sugary glucose drink and get my blood drawn.  
Here are some photos from when I was 4 weeks and 5 weeks pregnant with Baby #2,... and then now pictures when I am currently 24 weeks with Baby #2.  I've been negligent in my weekly picture-taking!

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