Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nursery Must-Have Items List (from Feb. 2015)

This is my personal list of "must have" items for a new baby.  After one of my friends took me on a personal shopping trip to the Buy Buy Baby Store in 2014 before Reagan arrived to show me what she recommended purchasing and not purchasing for a new baby, I wrote down my own list to keep track for my friends with future babies and to remind myself of my own future babies.

1. Diaper Genie trash can
2. Nose Frida...we still use this EVERY day, 4 times a day... Poor baby can't blow his/her own nose so this is by far one of the most used items we have!!! Got ours at Buy Buy Baby in TN
3. Diapers "with the stripe on them" to show if diaper is wet or'll appreciate the stripe at 3 AM (we use Pampers, but I think Huggies has the stripe, too) 
4. Grass drying tray for bottles + twigs
5. Jungle gym playpen for baby (lie down on May and look up at mobiles, music)... Gives you 20 free minutes without baby in your arms
6. Motorola video monitor
7. Boppy pillow
8. Many cloths for spit up
9. Dreft baby detergent 
10. For a stroller and car seat attachment, we like our BOB stroller because it's super easy to put together and pack away...takes me 5 seconds to unfold it and get it set when I take it out if my trunk for a walk with Regs.
11. Baby carrier (we like our Baby Bjorn)
12. Sophie la giraffe teething toy (comes in handy at 6-7 months when teething!) Very popular...not sure why but all babies love Sophie!
13. Baby in-set auto mirror (to put on the seat head cushion in front of where baby's car seat is....I love that I haw this "rear view mirror" to see exactly what baby is doing while you a peace of mind about how baby is doing!)
14. Good rocking chair for be comfortable on those late nights
15. Double electric breast pump if breast-feeding
16. Electric thermometer ($40 in Walgreens) like the ones they use in hospital to rub across forehead to take temperature instead of the ones used to stick up baby's butt

I would NOT recommend the Bumbo seat. We have one and hardly used it because we missed the "time period" to use it, 1-3 months. At first, Reagan was too small for it, then she was too big when we pulled it out again and she didn't like it much. 

I hope that helps!!! And as your mom knows, Target is the place to get the best baby clothes!

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