Monday, November 2, 2015

Reagan's 15-month appointment

I took Reagan to her 15-month doctor's check-up appointment today.  She was very healthy!  According to the answers that I gave on a questionnaire about what she is able to do now as a 15-month baby, the doctor says that she is "ahead of schedule" and accomplishing the milestones of a 19-month old.

Reagan now weighs 22 pounds 10 ounces.  Her body length measurement is 30 1/4 inches.  Her head circumference is 18 1/4 inches.  The doctor said that Reagan was perfectly average in these three measurements that they take at every check-up appointment.

The doctor recommended that we continue to talk and read to Reagan a lot... He said that she is "absorbing like a sponge" at this age.  Lately, Reagan has been grabbing any book that she can get her hands on, so she's listening to the doctor!

Reagan did not want to take off her shoes at the doctor's office, so we left them on until we needed to take her weight and body length measurements.  She loves her shoes.

We are reading some of the books in the patient room until the nurse came to give Reagan her three shots today.  Reagan didn't like the shots, but she recovered quickly from them.

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