Monday, November 23, 2015

26 weeks with Baby #2

Baby Haase #2 is 26 weeks.

98 days to go until Feb. 29th, although I'm guessing the big day will come sooner.

I'm feeling lots of movement and kicks.  Reagan likes to poke at my belly.

The mint aversion is still there, but I'm able to brush my teeth twice a day again.

I'm feeling big and others are noticing... my students are starting to ask when my maternity leave will be and who they will have as their substitute teacher.

It's still a little scary when I sneeze or cough.  I never know if I'm able to hold my full bladder when I least expect a big sneeze.

I take my glucose drink test in a week.  They will test my blood sugar levels to check my glucose tolerance and if I have gestational diabetes.  I passed last time when I was pregnant with Reagan.

I bought some squash and pumpkins for our "fall decorations" on our front doorstep, and then brought them in this past weekend when the temperature started falling below freezing at night.

So, this week, when I saw on one of my baby tracking phone apps that Baby Haase #2 was the size of a butternut squash, I thought that it would be a missed opportunity if I did not take a picture with the butternut squash that we had here!

David and I did not know what a butternut squash looked like before I saw the picture of it on my phone app, even after I had purchased one at Kroger, so if you didn't know before, now I'm also enlightening you!

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