Tuesday, January 12, 2016

33 weeks with Baby #2

I measured 33 weeks yesterday (Mon. Jan. 11th) with Baby #2.

Today, I went to my check-up appointment.  I have one more appointment on Mon. Jan. 25th with my OBGYN before I start my appointments at the hospital where I will deliver.  My doctor wants to do an ultrasound at this last appointment with her.

My own weight was 139 pounds and blood pressure was 110 / 68.

The baby's heart beat was 145 bpm.  He was moving around a lot, as usual.  I will wake up during the night or early in the morning a lot more now with Baby #2 than I remember doing with Reagan in my belly.

My doctor measured again the length of my belly from just below my chest to my waist, and she said it was 33 cm, matching up with the baby's 33-week measurement.  As she felt my belly, she said the baby was in a diagonal position, and because the doctor did a vertical measurement of my belly, she thinks the baby is still "long" and probably measuring a little bigger.

She could feel the head and the back and the rest of the baby's body parts through my belly.  The doctor said that the baby is in a head-down position now, but she said that the baby could still change positions.

According to my Ovia Pregnancy app, Baby #2 is between 17-19 inches tall, the size of a cauliflower blossom and could weigh between 4-6 pounds.

Seven more weeks to go!  I'm so tired between work, chasing around Reagan, taking care of a dog and carrying this extra weight and blood flow (especially since I almost had a fainting episode a week ago), but I only know that I will be 10x more tired in a month when I don't have this baby in my belly anymore, so I'm trying to set an earlier bed time these days.  All of us in the house are going to bed by 9:00 or so, and it's probably a good thing.

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