Saturday, January 16, 2016

Reagan's 18-month milestones

It's Jan. 16, 2016, and Reagan will officially be 18 months on Jan. 28, 2016.

She has her 18-month doctor's check-up appointment next Tuesday, Jan. 26th.

Here are some of her latest tricks, accomplishments, and cute antics that she does as an 18-month old toddler:

Loves fruit snacks, string cheese, apples can say "Apple"!), to pick up sticks, acorns and rocks outside, grapes, blueberries, Froot Loops cereal (the version with the marshmallows), peas, corn, Mac n cheese, loves peanut butter sandwiches, ice cream, chocolate (she kept begging for a piece of the chocolate bars that we had left over from Christmas in our fridge, loves to brush her teeth with Mommy and Daddy in the morning..... Says "chaussures" and "manger" in French... Runs to picture in day Care room and points to our family picture, loves going outside, no matter how cold it is (she gets excited when I get her jacket and she wants to put it on right away), thank goodness for the park behind our backyard!!!, says UH OH, dog dog, APPLE, ma or MINE, mama, dada, says BUE BYE and blows a kiss, she still hushes Hank (puts finger to lips and says SHHH) when he barks, she pets and hugs Hank, still loves her chalkboard, drawing with a pen on blank notepads and her blocks, likes to dance with Daddy to music videos on TV, likes to read book with animals in them...

Size 4 diapers

Goes to bed at 8:30, wakes up at 7 on her own, one 2-hour nap at 12:00-2:00

Photos below were taken by Reagan's Aunt Carly in December 2015. 

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