Monday, January 18, 2016

34 weeks with Baby #2

I can't believe that I'm 34 weeks along with Baby # 2 already!

I don't know how much longer I can keep up with these weekly posts... time is passing fast, and I'm in the process of getting ready for my brief maternity leave.

The baby boy is either the size of a cantaloupe or a savoy cabbage, depending on which pregnancy phone app we look at.

He is about 18 inches and weighs 4-5 pounds.

My belly is feeling the stretch!  I don't know how much more it's able to stretch in 6 weeks, but the female body is pretty amazing in that way!

My back is hurting a lot lately, so I'm trying to stretch it out and ask my sweet husband for regular back massages!

My next appointment (36-week check-up) is in a week on Mon. Jan. 25th.

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