Monday, January 25, 2016

35 weeks with Baby #2

I am 35 weeks along with Baby #2 today.  Booze joined me to my 35-week check-up doctor's appointment this morning.
This was my last check-up appointment with my OBGYN before I start my weekly appointments at the hospital in downtown Knoxville where I will deliver Baby #2 in a month (!!!)

I weigh 139 pounds.  My blood pressure was 110/68.

The baby's heart rate was 134 beats per minute.  This was lower than the average 150 bpm from the last several appointments, and my doctor said that this was normal for the baby's heartbeat to go down as I get closer to 40 weeks.

Today, we also got to use the ultrasound machine to see pictures of Baby #2.  Since this pregnancy has been a lot smoother than my pregnancy with Reagan in terms of monitoring the baby's health and progress, I have not had many ultrasound appointments.  So, today was the first time since October, when my doctor could see that we were going to have a baby boy, that we saw the baby on the ultrasound machine.

The doctor could not get a good picture of the baby's face, but she said that it was a very healthy baby that was "long and lean" and measuring 35 weeks 6 days and 5 1/2 pounds.  Although, the doctor reminded us that the weeks and weight measurement can be +/- 3 weeks, so who knows how big this baby will be when it comes out of me.

My mom and I were just happy to hear that the baby was very healthy and strong.  It's hard to believe that David and I will have a family of four in a month (five including Hank dog)!

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