Monday, February 1, 2016

36-week doctor's appointment and pictures

First, we want to wish Reagan's great grandmother a special Happy 89th Birthday today on February 1st!  It would be fun if her first great grandson had a birthday at the very end of the month of which his great grandmother was born!

Today, I'm 36 weeks today with Baby 2!  David came with me to my first doctor's appointment at the hospital downtown where I will deliver.  The past eight months, I had been going to the local clinic where my primary physician and OBGYN works.

I weighed 139 pounds and had 118/60 blood pressure.  Baby boy's heart rate was 153 bpm.  I was only 1 cm dilated thus far when the doctor checked my cervix.

I hope to keep teaching as far as Friday, Feb. 26th, so we made an appointment to induce the baby on Monday, Feb. 29th if the baby does not come on his own before then.

Today was a little crazy because we received a call from Day Care that we needed to pick up Reagan because she had a high temperature and showed signs of a fever.  This was right before we needed to drive downtown to my doctor's appointment.  Luckily, she felt fine enough to drive with us downtown for the appointment, and then we went out for lunch at a local BBQ restaurant called Dead End BBQ.  It was delicious, and Reagan ate well!  We drove home and it took a while for her to go down for her late afternoon nap, but she finally did.

Tomorrow, she gets to spend the day with her other grandparents, Nancy and Fred, while David and I work, because she can't return to Day Care until Wednesday.  Reagan will learn to do more fun activities with her grandparents as soon as her baby brother comes, because her parents will be busy taking care of him, so why not take a day off from Day Care to have a fun day with Nani and Grandpa Fred?  We are thankful that they are able to help us out!

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