Monday, February 8, 2016

37-week doctor's appointment and pictures

David and I went to our 37-week doctor's appointment for Baby Boy Haase.

My blood pressure was a healthy 112/60.  I weighed 142 pounds, so I gained some since last time.

However, the only reason that we were scheduled to use the ultrasound machine for today's appointment was because my regular OBGYN doctor was a little concerned that I had only gained a little weight this pregnancy, so we were able to see the little guy on the screen today.

Below is a picture of his head profile.  He is looking up with his nose pointing up and his eye is the black circle  within the white and grey area.

The ultrasound technician could not tell us if she could see a lot of hair on this baby boy, like everyone had told us they could see on the ultrasound pictures of Reagan.   But, she did say that this baby boy had a big head and weighed approximately 7 pounds, 13 ounces already at this point.  The technician said that there is a margin of error of 8 ounces for estimating weight of babies using the ultrasound machine.  Still, David pointed out that the baby boy is still at least 7 pounds 7 ounces now at 37 weeks.  Reagan weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces when she was delivered at 39 weeks...  This is going to be a big baby!

When the doctor called us in to talk after we did the ultrasound part of the appointment, he said that both mom and baby were healthy.  He measured my cervix opening and said it was at "2 plus centimeters," which he said was a big difference from the 1 cm measurement just a week ago.  He told me and David, "This baby is NOT going to stay in your belly through Feb. 29th!"  This doctor got me excited about an early arrival for Reagan in Summer 2014, and she ended up taking more time than we thought for her exit out of my body, so I'm not sure if this doctor is right about this one.  However, this is my second baby and he said my cervix was soft and ready to let this baby come.

The doctor also asked me if I was feeling any contractions.  I told him that I honestly didn't know because I don't know if I felt any the first time when I was pregnant with Reagan.  I just told him that the skin around my stomach felt extremely tight and sore at times during the day and night.  He said, "Then, yes, you're having some contractions."  Next, he put my hand on my belly and showed me exactly when my belly tightened up and then when it did relax a little before tightening up again, in between the several kicks from the baby.  There weren't close enough in minutes' time to be contractions for labor and time to deliver the baby, but I did finally understand what he was talking about with the contractions.  Yes, then I've been having them but just never noticed the "relaxed" part in between these contractions, because the tightening of the skin on my stomach is all that I noticed while teaching at school and trying to sleep at night.

It'll be interesting to learn new and more accurate information about this baby's arrival date at our next appointment next Monday, Feb. 15th when I will measure 38 weeks.

 Reagan eats her favorite yogurt mixed with M&M candies while I pose behind her for my 37-week pregnancy pictures.

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