Tuesday, February 16, 2016

38-week doctor's appointment Baby 2

David and I went to our 38-week doctor's check-up appointment yesterday (Mon. Feb. 15th).

My weight was 146 pounds... The baby nor did I not magically gain 4 pounds in the last week... The nurse let me keep my heavy boots on when I stopped on the scale because she didn't want me to bend down uncomfortably to take them off.  I'm surprised that she didn't make me take them off, so that my weight measurement would be more accurate, but I didn't complain!

My blood pressure was 120/82.

According to the pregnancy apps on my phone, the baby is the size of a spaghetti squash.  He weighs between 7 and 8 pounds and measures 19-20 inches in length.

I feel a lot of kicks and the contractions are definitely more often and more uncomfortable this week than last week.  You can see where the butt and legs poke out from my belly.  That's how tight my belly is stretched now.

The doctor measured my cervix and said it was 3 cm.  She thinks that I will probably keep the baby in my belly for the next week when I see her again on Mon. Feb. 22nd, but the baby will most likely arrive before Feb. 29th.  Then again, the doctor said the baby could come in the next few days, so we don't really know when to be ready.

The delivery rooms are in a different building of the hospital, so David and I took a brief tour of where we would go, just to be ready for when the day comes in the next week or two.  They were nice.  The nurse suggested for any family members or friend who visit and stay in the room, that they bring their own food from outside of the hospital because the nurse said that the cafeteria is far away from the delivery room and that the near-by vending machine is limited in choices and expensive.

David's parents were nice to offer to take care of Reagan last night so David and I could enjoy a post-Valentine's dinner celebration.  We went to a fancy restaurant called Fleming's Steak House, thanks to a gift card from one of David's clients.  It was the best filet mignon that I had ever eaten.

I took some selfie photos in the bathroom at the restaurant because I knew that I would not get a chance to do so when we returned home while putting Reagan to bed.

Below, there is no hiding my bump underneath my jacket from the side view....

It's been icy on the roads and in the park behind our house this past weekend, so I need to be careful as I take Hank on a walk outside, and especially when I have both Hank and Reagan outside with me at the same time.

Reagan was a sweetheart and helped me to clean the kitchen yesterday.  She picked up the swifter sweeper by herself.  She sees me and David using it around the first floor, and so she loves to use it, too, on occasion. Here, she just enjoyed hearing the loud sound that it made as she hit the swifter sweeper up against the bottom of the stove!

Later, she took a nice afternoon nap and snuggled with her Snoopy Dog stuffed animal, one of her favorite toys from her Uncle Charlie.

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