Sunday, February 28, 2016

39-week comparison pictures

 39-week comparison pictures....

Last time, when I was exactly 39 weeks pregnant with Reagan in late July 2014, she was induced on the first day of the 39th week (July 28th), because she was a high-risk pregnancy, and that's what my doctor suggested that we do.

So, I'm in new territory this year with Baby Boy as we pass the 39th week mark.  Pictures below are from Feb. 22nd, 2016 when I was measuring exactly 39 weeks, but I'm now 39 weeks and 6 days as I write this blog post... We go in for our 5:30 AM induction appointment tomorrow, so it looks like we'll have a Leap Year baby!

Here are pictures from July 2014, when David and I were doing last-minute cleaning and preparations with the bassinet in our old apartment before we left for our 12:00 AM induction appointment.

 July 27, 2014, 39 weeks pregnant with Reagan

 July 27, 2014, 39 weeks pregnant with Reagan

 July 27, 2014, 39 weeks pregnant with Reagan

 July 27, 2014, 39 weeks pregnant with Reagan

   Feb. 22, 2016, 39 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy

   Feb. 22, 2016, 39 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy

  Feb. 22, 2016, 39 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy

  Feb. 22, 2016, 39 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy

  Feb. 22, 2016, 39 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy

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