Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Old pics of Sam and David... look like Reagan and Max?

3 month comparisons pictures, Reagan and Max

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Max: 3 months, May 29-2016

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Reagan: 3 months, October-31-2014

Above, is one of my favorite photos with me and Baby Reagan.  It reminds me of where David and I first lived together and met some really good friends at the start of our current jobs and life in our first house together in Knoxville, Tennessee!

Wisconsin Trip May 2016 (Part 1)

Wisconsin Trip May 2016 (Part 1)

On our first night that we arrive in Wisconsin, Reagan takes advantage of story time with Grandpa Don before heading to bed after 12 hours of driving from Tennessee that same morning.
Reagan does some clothing shopping while Mommy makes an emergency diaper purchase (Reagan and Max were wearing their last diapers that we packed from Tennessee!) at the Target store in Grafton.

Reagan says "hello" to the bunny statue in the garden. 

Aunt Carly (and Max's godmother) takes a walk with the big dude in the Ritts' backyard.

Baby Max meets his great grandmother Patsy Rae (GG Rae) for the first time since his birth in late February.

Baby Max and Reagan are getting ready to go to GG Rae's house for a Memorial Day celebration.
Kisses for Baby Max!
Reagan recognizes her orange chair that Grandma Booze bought her last summer 2015 and has been using it often these first two days of her stay in Wisconsin.
Game face!  She grips the new ball from Grandpa Don.

Grandpa Don and Baby Max enjoy an afternoon nap together on the couch. 
Reagan enjoys a delicious Bomb Popsicle with Grandpa Don on the back patio.

Reagan and Grandma Booze start the daunting 7-foot animal puzzle!  They'll try to finish it by the end of the week.