Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Max 3 months (May 29, 2016)

Max turned 3 months on May 29, 2016!

He last weighed about 14.5 pounds at his 2-month doctor's check-up appointment.  Since this is my second child, the doctor said that Max did not need to come in for a 3-month appointment and can wait to see the doctor again when he turns 4 months in late June.  So, we don't know how much he weighs now, but he keeps on getting heavier and those legs keep getting longer!

Max is smiling a lot now in reaction to other people's smiles.

Exactly on his 3-month birthday, he was making his first sounds other than his normal crying sounds. He is "cooing" but not yet laughing.

Max is still exclusively on breast milk and still seems okay with it.

He is wearing size 2 diapers, but we are thinking about moving up to size 3 in the next month.

Max is quickly moving up in sizes with his clothes.  He can only wear a handful of 6-month clothes and is wearing mostly 9-month clothes now (as a 3-month baby!)

He is mostly sleeping through the night, which means 6-7 hours.  We love this!!!

Max is looking more and more like his sister, Reagan.  He is growing so fast that he might be bigger than her sooner than we think

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