Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Max at 2 months (mid-May 2016)

Max at 2 months!

He is 24 inches long.  (He is plus 2 inches since his last visit as a 1-month baby.)

He weighs 13.1 pounds.  (He is 3.5 pounds since his last visit as a 1-month baby.)

The doctor said that he has grown well.  He has grown TWICE as much as a normal baby.  Wow!!!

The doctor recommended that Max play with rattle toys and that Max do "tummy time" for 5 minutes for at least twice a day.

The doctor told us not to expect Max's teeth to come in until he is 6 months.

In case we forgot with Reagan, the doctor reminded us that we should not expect teeth to form in Max's mouth until he is 6 months (September 2016).

The doctor told us NOT to use any sun screen, but to instead use sun hats and extra clothing to cover Max when we bring him out into the sun.

As long as Mommy (Sam) is exclusively breastfeeding Max, the doctor instructed us to continue to give Vitamin D drops to Max.  (Unfortunately, Reagan has spilled the $15.00 bottle of Vitamin D drops TWICE, so we have spent a LOT on Vitamin D drops for Max... We're tempted to bring him outside to tan with us at this summer-like weather approaches us in Eastern Tennessee!)

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